donderdag 1 december 2016

Pizzagate - The Broader Implications



Here are the links I refer to in my video on Pizzagate and the Broader Implications. This is just me, scratching the surface on this wide range of topics, so please dig deeper and share your links in the comment section. Some links up here are in Dutch language. I hope you undestand, or else use Google translate to get the picture...

I hope the links will help you get a better understanding of the broader picture that should be painted on Pizzagate.

De Grijze Duif Blog (Dutch, most of the time I write)
Op goede grond - Nationaal Rapporteur (Corinne Dettmeijer-Vermeulen) (Dutch)
Wikileaks Podesta Mails
FBI Pedophile Symbols
Pizzagate Summery
Besta Pizza
Anthony Weiner
Terry Bean
Jeffrey Epstein
Bill Clinton on the Lolita express
Hillary gets child abuser off the hook
John Podesta
Joris Demmink (Dutch)
Joris Demmink - Helsinki Commission - Demmink Trial Washington
Rolodex Affaire (Dutch)
Holthuis - Wabeke - Wooldrik (Dutch)
Piet-Hein Donner (Dutch)
Ivo Opstelten (Dutch)
Thomas vd Ven (Dutch)
Judge Stolk & Koos Hertogs (serial child raper/killer) (Dutch)
Kinderdorp Neerbosch - Popeye Kamper (Dutch)
Robert van der Luitgaarden (Dutch)
Patricia Hewitt UK - "We can't prove seks with children does them harm."
De Groene - Hoe Den Haag de pedo’s vertroetelde (Dutch)
Edward Brongersma (Dutch)
Fake news
Iraq & Rumsfeld

Collin Powell at UN

Yellow cake from Niger

1.000.000 Iraqis dead
Russel Tice
Donald Trump
Michael Hastings
Joe Biggs
This takes a little searching on your part. I cant link directly because he has blocked me...
Michael Krikorian
Gladio B

The power principle

Daniel Ganzer
Franklin cover up John de Camp - Consiracy of Silence
I hope I did not forget a link... ;-)

1 opmerking:

  1. The Cage Inside Comet Ping Pong
