zaterdag 11 april 2015
10 documentaries to understand why Russia most probably did NOT down MH-17
Sometimes it is wise to be silent, let the documentaries do the talking, and the adience to the thinking. With MH-17 in mind, "enjoy" the show!
The war you don't see (John Pilger)
The War You Don't See from John Pilger on Vimeo.
Psywar - Psychological Warfare (Metanoia Films)
I Am Fishead - Are Corporate Leaders Psychopaths
Human Resources -Social Engineering In The 20th Century
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (Tragedy and Hope)
The Power Principle - Corporate Empire and the Rise of the National Security State
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Counter-Intelligence (Metanoia Films, )
Counter-Intelligence 1 - The Company
Counter-Intelligence 2 - The Deep State
Counter-Intelligence 3 - The Strategy of Tension
Counter-Intelligence 4 - Necrophilous
Counter-Intelligence 5 - Drone Nation
Counter-Intelligence Extra Clip - The Politics of Conspiracy Theory
NATO's Secret Armies (Gladio)
Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B (James Corbett)
Odessa massacre - What REALLY happend
Are you still convinced it was "Russia" that downed MH-17?
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