woensdag 23 november 2022

The Chad Prather Show - Jeffrey Epstein Exposé


Dan denk je al zoveel te weten, iedere dag opnieuw besef ik hoeveel ik nog niet weet. Zo had ik nog nooit gehoord van Chad Prather, een comedian die voor Blaze TV een online opinie show maakt en een aardig succesvol YouTube kanaa heeft. Zo'n drie jaar geleden inmiddels, maakte hij een Exposé over Jeffrey Epstein. Dit is geen korte flitsende tik-tok video, maar een diepgaand vierluik waar uur na uur je mond verder open valt van verbazing. Samenvattend hebben ze er ook nog een uitzending met Glenn Beck aan vast geplakt.

The Zoro Ranch, Army of little Epsteins, zijn hoofd en penis invriezen voor de toekomst, wereldleiders, elite, kinderhandel, kindermisbruik... Een verhaal dat al drie jaar lang de koppen van de krant had moeten domineren, programma na programma op tv, maar de schaarse summiere verslaggeving spreekt boekdelen. Maar zelfs als je dit allemaal goed in je opneemt, weet je nog niet de helft over Jeffrey Epstein en de zieke, perverse wereld om hem heen... Denk bijvoorbeeld aan wat Whitney Webb over Epstein heeft gepubliceerd. En dan te bedenken dat er nóg meer te vertellen valt...

Maar voor nu:

The Chad Prather Show 162 (26 november 2019)

The Jeffrey Epstein Exposé

"Follow the Money"

The Chad Prather Show 163 (27 november 2019)

The Jeffrey Epstein Exposé

"The Devil Has Blue Eyes"

The Chad Prather Show 164 (28 november 2019)

The Jeffrey Epstein Exposé

"Dead Men Tell No Tale"

The Chad Prather Show 165 (3 december 2019)

The Jeffrey Epstein Exposé

"The Aftermath"

The Chad Prather Show 166 (4 december 2019)

Jeffrey Epstein: The Facts

dinsdag 22 november 2022

Died Suddenly


Tja, wat moet ik hier nu van zeggen? Ik weet het ook niet meer hoor... 🤷🏽‍♂️



De video insluiten lukt me vreemd genoeg niet, dus u zult even op de link moeten klikken, maar wees gewaarschuwd, het is heftig...

donderdag 17 november 2022

De zaak Finkensieper (Andere Tijden 2012)

De zaak Finkensieper
Een van de grootste zedenzaken uit de geschiedenis

Begin oktober komt de commissie-Samson met haar bevindingen over seksueel misbruik van uit huis geplaatste jongeren. Andere Tijden besteedt aandacht aan een van de grootste zedenzaken uit de geschiedenis: de zaak-Finkensieper.

‘Ze begonnen daar met 8 x 25 milligram Largactil. Tweemaal per week kreeg ze een gesprek met de heer Finkensieper waar seksualiteit de hoofdmoot vormde. Ze moest van haar zelfbevrediging afgeholpen worden. Toen Finkensieper tijdens het gesprek even weg moest, kreeg ze een Zweeds voorlichtingsboekje in haar handen gedrukt, bij zijn terugkomst moest ze zich op de divan bevredigen: dan zou ze er wel van af komen. Finkensieper deed dit ook bij andere meisjes.’

Aldus een citaat uit ‘Zetten, zat, gezeten’, een zwartboek van de Belangenvereniging Minderjarigen met klachten over de Heldringstichtingen in Zetten, pagina 13, gepubliceerd in mei 1974. Dit gaat over seksueel misbruik, het staat er zwart op wit. Maar het wordt niet opgepikt. Pas in 1992 wordt de psychiater Theo Finkensieper door de rechtbank veroordeeld, in één van de meest geruchtmakende zedenzaken van ons land.

Naar aanleiding van het zwartboek wordt een onderzoekscommissie in het leven geroepen die de klachten over de Heldringstichtingen- een tehuis voor zeer moeilijk opvoedbare meisjes- onderzoekt. De meeste klachten in het zwartboek gaan over frequent en langdurig gebruik van de isoleercellen, veelvuldig medicijngebruik en platspuiten. Zetten staat dan bekend als het afvoerputje van de kinderbescherming.


De commissie-Dijkhuis treedt aan in januari 1975. De orthopedagoog Jan van der Ploeg maakt deel uit van de commissie. Ze gaan voortvarend te werk en spreken met medewerkers bij de Heldringstichtingen maar ook met oud-pupillen en ouders en ze bezoeken de instelling een aantal keer. Van der Ploeg: “Wat wij in Zetten aantroffen was een instelling midden in de overgang van een religieuze naar een professionele organisatie.” Geconfronteerd met bovenstaand citaat uit het zwartboek reageert hij geschrokken: “Nee, dat citaat dat herinner me totaal niet. Dan hebben we het rapport blijkbaar niet goed gelezen. Ik vind dat toch een misser van ons, als commissie.”


Albert Walsweer gaat er werken als groepsleider in 1972. Wat hem meteen opvalt is dat er wel erg veel regels zijn. "Het werd me al heel snel duidelijk dat die regels er niet waren om gedrag van die meisjes reguleren, maar om het probleem bij de groepsleiders vandaan te halen." De meisjes zijn zeer opstandig, lopen veel weg. "En vrijwel alle meiden hadden toen ik daar kwam gedragsbeïnvloedende medicatie", herinnert Walsweer zich. Ook wordt er veel gebruik gemaakt van de isoleercel. Walsweer gooit het over een andere boeg: minder regels, minder gebruik van de isoleercel, en dat werkt goed. In 1974 krijgt Walsweer echter onverwacht zijn ontslag aangezegd. Zijn groep is zo veranderd dat het verschil met de andere groepen te groot wordt. Hij heeft nooit iets gemerkt van seksueel misbruik, maar achteraf waren er signalen. "Door de meiden werd wel over Finkensieper gesproken als een viespeuk."

Gesloten groep

Eliza Beelt komt in 1977 als 15-jarige in Zetten terecht. Ze is misbruikt door haar stiefvader en pleegbroers. Ze komt terecht op de Lingewal. "Het was een ‘gesloten groep’, met naar mijn gevoel de ergste gevallen. Dus meisjes die uit de prostitutie kwamen, drugsgebruikers, meisjes met psychische problemen." De regels zijn streng: er is een verbod op samenscholen, je mag geen affectie tonen als iemand verdriet heeft, de deuren zijn op slot.

Eén keer per week moet ze naar Finkensieper. Bij het kennismakingsgesprek stelt hij seksueel getinte vragen. "Zoals of ik al seksuele ervaring had, hoeveel ervaring? Of ik mezelf weleens bevredigde? Dat soort dingen." Bij de derde sessie moet ze op schoot komen zitten en streelt hij haar. Ze moet zich uitkleden en hij doet een inwendig onderzoek naar haar maagdelijkheid. Bij de latere sessies vernedert hij haar. Vijftig minuten lang moet ze op haar knieën voor hem zitten, hoofd omlaag, in haar onderbroek. Ze krijgt klappen met een opgerold tijdschrift.

Zijn ondergang

"Ik werd door Finkensieper aangenomen en ik werd ook zijn ondergang," vertelt Okke. Hij werkt vanaf 1982 in Zetten als groepsleider. Een meisje waar hij mentor van is geweest stuurt hem na een paar jaar een brief. Daarin vertelt ze dat ze seksueel misbruikt is door Finkensieper. Hij twijfelt geen moment aan haar brief. Dit meisje neemt hem in vertrouwen, daar moet hij iets mee doen. "Maar ik was ook bang. Die man had aanzien. Wat gaat hij doen? Dit zou hem zijn carrière kosten." Hij voelt zich ook schuldig: hij is haar mentor en ze heeft hem destijds niets verteld. Op 1 februari 1989 wordt Finkensieper ontslagen. In 1992 wordt hij tot zes jaar cel veroordeeld.

Jeugdinrichting in Zetten


Het is moeilijk te begrijpen hoe het misbruik door Finkensieper jarenlang heeft kunnen voortduren. "Seksueel misbruik, incest, kindermishandeling, dat waren allemaal taboeonderwerpen in die tijd. Dat kwam nauwelijks ter sprake in de samenleving en we hadden daar als het ware ook geen taal voor ontwikkeld", legt Albert Walsweer uit. Vooral door de mediabelangstelling komt er aandacht voor zaken als kindermishandeling en seksueel misbruik. Pas na 35 jaar praat Eliza Beelt over haar ervaringen in Zetten. "Het is schaamte, maar ook de angst om meteen bestempeld te worden. Bevooroordeeld te worden, geen begrip te krijgen. Je werd toen in die tijd al niet geloofd, dus waarom nú wel?"

De commissie-Samson doet op dit moment onafhankelijk onderzoek naar seksueel misbruik van minderjarigen die onder verantwoordelijkheid van de overheid in instellingen of pleeggezinnen zijn geplaatst. De uitkomsten van hun onderzoek worden op 8 oktober bekend gemaakt.

Regie en samenstelling: Yaèl Koren
Tekst en research: Maarten Blokzijl, Hannah Dogger

Uitzending: zo 23 sep 2012, 21.20 uur, Nederland 2.

maandag 14 november 2022

De aarde is rond!


De aarde is rond! 

Doei. 😎

vrijdag 4 november 2022

Whitney Webb over Jeffrey Epstein bij PBD Podcast

Whitney Webb is te gast bij PBD podcast en doet uitgebreid haar verhaal over Jeffrey Epstein, waarover ze een boek van 2 delen heeft geschreven, One Nation under Blackmail, wat je vanaf eind november kunt kopen! 

Pizzagate Deep Investigation - Titus Frost


Titus Frost deed in de tijd van Pizzagate echt ontzettend veel onderzoek. Dat is onder andere te zien in deze 3 delen van Pizzagate Deep Investigation. Het is voor mij alweer jaren geleden dat ik dit zag, dus weet het qua inhoud niet zo goed meer. Maar ik ben erg benieuwd wat hij ook alweer te vertellen had. Er staat me iets bij van @Bigfish zijn hackresultaten toen hij op de computer van Comet Ping-pong, van James Alefantis aka Jimmy Comet, aan het inbreken was en daar een verborgen sectie met kinderporno vond!

Maar goed , dat is nog niet zo maar gevonden, want bij elkaar opgeteld duurt dit ruim 7 uur!

Fijn weekend!

Deel 1

Deel 2

Deel 3

Van de aanval op Tucker Carlson naar Pizzagate!

Deze video uit 2019 van Amazing Polly laat mooi zien hoe een brede aanval op Fox News host Tucker Carlson vanuit de Pizzagate invalshoek bekeken kan worden. De lastercampagne werd opgezet door Media Matters van David Brock, mattie van mensen als Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Tony Podesta, Marina Abramović en niet in de laatste plaats ex-vriend van James Alefantis, jimmy Comet, eigenaar van Comet Ping-pong, welke in het middelpunt van Pizzagate stond.



Buckle up.
I'm going to show you exactly why no one should listen to these freaks at Media Matters or any of their sick, depraved billionaire donors and associates. These swamp creatures are perverted goons whose crimes are not only covered up but whitewashed by the media! ... more...

They call us names?? They DARE to lecture us about 'tolerance' and 'inclusion?" Are you kidding me? In this video I show the history of David Brock, John & Tony Podesta, George Soros and other mega donors to Media Matters. I also go over the links they have to pe-do-ph-il-ia and how the Clintons help the worst scum of the Earth to avoid jail time.

To support my work, please go here: https://amazingpolly.net/contact.php THANK YOU!


Carusone: https://dailycaller.com/2019/03/12/angelo-carusone-rules-dont-apply/

Brock young w Frank: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/130322982953168799/

Smearing Anita Hill, TIME: http://content.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,167355,00.html

Brock Legal Battle: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/media-matters-boss-paid-former-partner-850g-blackmail-settlement

Daily Beast Crying Article: https://www.thedailybeast.com/tucker-carlson-claims-conservatives-are-being-disappeared-tries-to-sic-irs-on-media-matters

Politico, David Brock, War on Fox: https://www.politico.com/story/2011/03/media-matters-war-against-fox-051949

Unreal DAvid Brock 2002: https://www.eastbayexpress.com/oakland/the-unreal-david-brock/Content?oid=1067593

Wiki Net Worth, Brock, 2017: http://wikinetworth.com/celebrities/david-brock-wiki-married-gay-partner-split-media-matters-net-worth.html

TIME, Podesta: http://time.com/4308369/hillary-clinton-john-podesta/

Politico Democracy Alliance Family: https://www.politico.com/story/2014/12/billionaire-donors-children-113224_full.html

Mother Jones, Brock: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/09/david-brock-hillary-clinton-correct-the-record/

Slate Apologetics for Comet: https://slate.com/human-interest/2016/12/c..

donderdag 3 november 2022

Out of Shadows (2020)

Deze documentaire deelde ik eind 2020 al, maar ik zag dat de video van YouTube verwijderd was. Goh!?! Nu kon je de video altijd nog bekijken via de website van de documentaire, maar ik heb de video op Bitchute alsnog ingesloten. Daarmee had ik meteen een goede reden dit normaals onder jullie aandacht te brengen.  Hieronder dus het oude artikel, met verse video!

Er is een nieuwe documentaire uitgekomen die ik echt iedereen wil aanraden te kijken: 'Out of Shadows'.

Het behandelt onderwerpen als hoe Hollywood en de media de geest van de mens beïnvloeden, Operation Mockingbird, Operation Paperclip, MK-Ultra, de False Flag in de Gulf of Tonkin waardoor de oorlog in Vietnam begon, kindermisbruik door de elite, satanisme én Pizzagate! Ik was de laatste weken alweer meer in deze materie gedoken en zag verschillende bronnen erover publiceren, maar deze documentaire is toch wel de reden voor mij om mijn blog na een jaar weer nieuw leven in te blazen. In mijn optiek moet je dit gewoon gezien hebben!

De omschrijving van de makers:
"The Out Of Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.

This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for FREE for anyone to watch. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video.
You can support our team and future projects by making a donation below."


Hopelijk helpt deze documentaire je ogen te openen en deel je het met de mensen om je heen.

Wat niet onbelangrijk is om te weten is dat YouTube deze video niet meer toont in de zoekresultaten wanneer je zelfs letterlijk op de titel zoekt. Zoiets heet delisting of shadow banning. Hoe toepasselijk is de titel dan, niet?

Ik kwam hier achter nadat het YouTube kanaal Memory Hold diens kijkers hierop wees. Ik ben het daarna zelf gaan controleren, een dag later, en bij mij hetzelfde resultaat: Na 15 pagina's naar beneden klikken vond ik wel het kanaal, maar de video zelf heb ik niet terug kunnen vinden. Zie hiervoor de onderstaande video.

Dit is regelrechte censuur die wordt toegepast op een video waarvan 'de elite' niet wil dat die boodschap breed gehoord wordt. Helaas pindakaas, want ondanks dit walgelijke beleid is de video na een week al ruim 8.000.000 maal bekeken! En dan heb ik het louter over de originele video en niet over de kopieën of andere platforums die de video tonen.

Nogmaals, please check de video en deel het waar je kunt.

Het bewijs dat de video niet terug te vinden is in de zoekresultaten van YouTube:

woensdag 2 november 2022

#Pizzagate Part 1 - 6 (MES - Math Easy Solutions 2016-2017)

Reeds in 2016 begon MES, Math Easy Solutions, met het publiceren van Pizzagate videos. In totaal heeft hij er 24 gemaakt, waarvan ik er vandaag 6 deel. Deze reeks video's is om verschillende redenen bijzonder te noemen. Allereerst zijn het veel en lange video's. Daarnaast kun je al zijn bronnen bekijken, wat erg handig is als je iets wilt terugzoeken. En niet in de laatste plaats is deze reeks bijzonder omdat het laat zien hoe breed de term "#PizzaGate" in die tijd al door velen werd gezien. 

We gaan dus bijna 6 jaar terug in de tijd. Of zijn social media allemaal nog werken weet ik niet, maar ik kan in ieder geval delen wat ik vond. Wel zo netjes. Verder vind in dit artikel natuurlijk de eerste 6 delen uit de reeks. Linkjes, tekst en video's, je vindt het hieronder.

Ik wil zeker niet zeggen dat ik alles even waardevol vind, er zijn zelfs zaken waar ik me geheel niet in kan vinden, maar toch vind ik het belangrijk dit met de wereld te delen.

Ik wens iedereen veel wijsheid toe. 🙏🏼

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#PizzaGate Part 1: Madeleine McCann Disappearance

UPDATE: After researching the McCann case in more detail, it is clear that there was a cover-up in the case, in which Madeleine almost certainly died before her reported disappearance. Also, the efits almost certainly were used as a warning message to the Podestas to keep to what ever blackmailed agenda there might have been.

Learn MORE by watching #PizzaGate Part 4 and Part 30.


The #PizzaGate phenonomen has gone completely viral on the online world, despite getting virtually zero exposure on Main Stream Media. But instead of explaining what #PizzaGate is directly, I have decided to compile all the evidence and arguements I can find in a somewhat chronological format, and let the evidence speak for itself for what #PizzaGate really is. This is because #pizzagate is looking like it might be an incredibly dark and secretive hidden world.

In #PizzaGate Part 1, I start off goving over the disappearance of 3-year old Madeleine McCann from a holiday resort in Portugal on May 3, 2007. Six years later, the London police department, known as the Scotland Yard, released e-fits of some of the suspects. Two of the e-fits were created from two different witnesses perceived to be describing the same person. But given that other witnesses described suspicious men near McCann's holiday appartment nearing and during the day of her disappearance, it is also possible that the e-fits also represent two different men.

Now the real interesting part of the e-fits, which have fanned the flames of the entire #pizzagate phenomenon, is that the two e-fits look IDENTICAL to John and Tony Podesta! Even the mole on Tony Podesta's forehead is shown in the efits. John Podesta was Hillary Clinton's Chairman for this year's presidential campaign, the Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton, and Counselor to Barack Obama. Tony Podesta is a lobbyist, founder of the Podesta Group. Both John and Tony Podesta are considered two of the most powerful people in all of United States, and quite frankly in the entire world.

To further indicate that the Podesta's were involved in the McCann case, the recent Wikileaks emails of John Podesta reveal that he may have deleted emails prior to May 3, 2007, the day of McCann's disappearance. In fact the email on May 4, 2007 that was sent through his email was actually by his Assistant Elizabeth Cooley.

This is quite simply such a huge storyline, but the mainstream media, along with John and Tony Podesta, and Elizabeth Cooley, have been utterly silent about this. There appears to be a delibrate coverup, and this video argues in great detail that that just might be the case.

Stay tuned for #PizzaGate Part 2...

Download the notes in my video: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As32ynv0LoaIhto39CH6HpaUWNImIw

Download ALL notes: https://mes.fm/pizzagate

View Video Notes on Steemit: https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@mes/video-notes-pizzagate-part-1-madeleine-mccann-disappearance

#PizzaGate Part 2: ACORN Controversy

In this video I go over Part 2 of the #PizzaGate series. In this part, I take a look at the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, and the 2009 Child Sex Trafficking Controversy (ACORN). In 2009, James O'Keefe from Project Veritas went undercover as a pimp to 7 different locations, with Hannah Giles, playing the role of a prostitute. There plan was to talk with ACORN employees to see if they can help them set up, and cover up, a prostitution business which involves smuggling a dozen of underage girls from El Salvador, and have them "work" at a home, which they wanted ACORN to give them a housing loan for. The undercover videos, showed that nearly every ACORN employee, and from each of the 7 ACORN offices across the country, were very willing to help out James and Hannah in this illegal business.

The fallout from these videos, involved ACORN losing federal and private funding, and eventually shutting its operation in the USA. James O'Keefe had to pay one of the ACORN employees $100,000 in a settlement for illegally recording him, which apparently is against the law in the state of California. The California Attorney General Jerry Brown's investigation concluded that the edited, and unedited tape recordings clearly show ACORN willing to aid in a hypothetical child prostitution ring, but nonetheless, no law was violated since state law requires that both parties intending to commit an actual crime, and not just a hypothetical crime.

Regardless of all this, the mainstream media, including MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, Forbes, Inquisitr, to name a few, have spun the story as James O'Keefe "heavily editing" the videos to make smear ACORN, and indicate to ACORN not being charged with any crimes as prove of such a claim. In this video, I go into detail to show how the mainstream media spin is just that, spin. This also illustrates how the mainstream media can be viewed occasionaly as fake news, something which they are branding alternative media of being.

This video is meant to show that government funded organizations such as ACORN can be used to help set up and cover up, ratherly easily, an international child sex trafficking ring. I highly recommend every to watch all of the undercover tapes, as well as watching Rachel Maddow's spin on the story to see just how good the mainstream media is at misleading the public. Keep this in mind for future parts to this series.

Stay tuned for #PizzaGate Part 3...

Download the notes in my video: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As32ynv0LoaIhttV2egtmBe6Gn5Z3g

View Video Notes on Steemit: https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@mes/video-notes-pizzagate-part-2-acorn-controversy

Download ALL Notes: https://mes.fm/pizzagate

#PizzaGate Part 3: Barack Obama's Close Ties to ACORN

In this video I go over part 3 of the #PizzaGate series and this time continue where I left off in Part 2 about the ACORN controversy. The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) was at the center of some controversial undercover tapes by James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles in which employees at ACORN were shown to be willing participants in aiding and abetting an international trafficking operation. I covered the controversy in great detail in Part 2 so make sure to watch that video. In this particular Part, I discuss Barack Obama's close ties to ACORN as well as his willingness to distance himself and lie about his involvement with ACORN. I will be referencing the ACORN controversy in later parts so I wanted to first go over it in detail in these earlier parts.

Stay tuned for Part 4...

Download the notes in my video: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As32ynv0LoaIht8ZT4qixxPYsuHo5Q

View Video Notes on Steemit: https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@mes/video-notes-pizzagate-part-3-obama-s-close-ties-to-acorn

View/Download ALL notes: https://mes.fm/pizzagate

#PizzaGate Part 4: McCann / Podesta Connection (Debunking Snopes and New York Times)

In this video I go over part 4 of the #PizzaGate series and this time revisit the possible connection between John and Tony Podesta with the Madeleine McCann reported disappearance. Recently Snopes and New York Times finally wrote articles on the two efits, which are computer generated sketches, of the possible suspect that was described by the Smith family. As expected Snopes and NY Times stated that there is no connection between the Podestas and McCann case, but also as expected they provide extremely poor journalism in their articles.

In reviewing the Snopes and NY Times articles, I show that many details were left out, not only by these news outlets but also by the BBC and The Guardian, which were used as references. The details left out include the fact that the Smith family witnesses to the supposed abductor of Madeleine McCann, which were Martin Smith, his son Peter Smith, and daughter Aoife all clearly stated that they had no idea how the man looked like and could not recognize who the man was, or what his face looked like, even if they were given a photograph of him! Not only that but the efits were suppressed from the public for 6 YEARS and first released during a BBC Crimewatch TV program in which the investigator Any Redwoord URGED the public to find the man. Thus it is clear that the efits could NOT have been realistically be produced at all!

Thus in investigating the Snopes and NY Times articles, the rabbit hole just gets deeper, and it appears that Madeleine McCann most likely was not kidnapped, but may have been dead this whole time. This also means that the Podestas could not have been the kidnapper, but this doesn't take the Podestas off the hook either. In fact even more questions arise, namely:

Why do the two efits clearly look like two separate men?
Why do the two efits appear to be produced from two separate computer programs?
Why do the efits match very closely to John and Tony Podesta, including the mole on Tony's forehead?

Thus the connection between the Podestas and Madeleine McCann have not only NOT been resolved, but now their connection is even stronger because they don't necessarily need to be proved to be in Portugal at the time. For example, the efits could have been used as blackmail. But regardless of the different possible scenarios, if Snopes and New York Times really wanted to get to the bottom of the truth, they can simply ASK John Podesta, as well as his brother Tony and assistant Elizabeth Cooley, about their whereabouts during the McCann reported disappearance, and about any possible connection to the McCanns. Also their email correspondence should be requested as well because the Wikileaks make it clear that emails may be missing from John Podesta during that specific time period.

Now it is also clear that a cover up of the McCann case appears to be the case, as it looks like with #PizzaGate as well. The reasons for this may also be because it may involve some very powerful people...

Stay tuned for Part 5!

Download the notes in my video: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As32ynv0LoaIht983jfGMKprUoJmZg

View Video Notes on Steemit: https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@mes/video-notes-pizzagate-part-4-mccann-podesta-connection-debunking-snopes-and-new-york-times

Download ALL Notes: https://mes.fm/pizzagate

#PizzaGate Part 5: Madeleine McCann Case: Gaspar Statements

In #pizzagate part 5 I look at more witness statements in the Madeleine McCann reported disappearance case, and this time look at the very controversial Gaspar statements. Two weeks after Madeleine was reported missing, Katherina and Savio Gaspar, close friends with Gerry and Kate McCann contacted police in police in Leicestershire, England and told them about concerns they had about another close friend of the McCanns, David Payne. David was one of the last person to have reported seeing Madeleine before her reported disappearance, which caught the attention of Katherina Gaspar. Their witness testimony to the police includes an incident which occurred twice, in which the first time was during a vacation in and Katherina was sitting at a table in between David and Gerry; this is shown below:

"I remember Dave telling Gerry something like "she", referring to Madeleine, "would do this". When he mentioned "this", Dave was sucking on one of his fingers, pushing it in and out of his mouth, whilst with the other hand he circled his nipple, with a circulating movement over his clothes. This was done in a provocative manner there being an explicit insinuation in relation to what he was saying and doing."

This witness testimony clearly suggests that a police angle that the police could have pursued was to investigate David Payne, as well as Gerry and Kate McCann's possible involvement or past history in pedophilia. But this instead, appears to have been purposely covered up by law enforcement and the mainstream media. These statements were withheld by the Leicestershire police for 6 months and only ever given to the Portuguese police AFTER the chief investigator Goncalo Amaral removed himself from the investigation. Goncalo retired early because he felt he was being silenced and the investigation compromised to only show the McCanns in a positive light. He also wrote a book called "Maddie: The Truth of the Lie" in which he argues that Madeleine had been killed accidently and that the McCanns were covering up their involvement.

In his book, Goncalo also brings up the Gaspar statements and questions the police in withholding the statements as well as not pursing further into them. The McCanns took Goncalo to court over a libel case to have his book banned, which it was, then Goncalo won an appeal, which was again overturned, and once again re-overturned in Goncalo's favor just last year. The McCann's are looking to take him to the Supreme court, all to try to silence his book.

The Gaspar statements clearly show that some people have the power to collude with law enforcement and the media to cover up and hinder proper investigations into possibly very illegal criminal cases, even those including the abuse of children.

Stay tuned for Part 6...

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#PizzaGate Part 6: McCann Case: Yvonne Martin Statements

In #PizzaGate Part 6 I look further into the Madeleine McCann reported missing child case, and this time take a close look at yet another witness statement that the mainstream media purposely fail to write about. The witness is a professional child services and social worker with over 25 years of experience, Yvonne Warren Martin, who happened to be on holiday vacation in Portugal during Madeleine’s reported disappearance. Madeleine was reported missing on May 3, 2007, but Yvonne Martin heard about this in the news on the day after, May 4th, and which she decided to travel to the apartment where Gerry and Kate McCann were staying. She met up with the McCanns, who were accompanied by their close family friend David Payne, at around 9:30 AM. Yvonne tried to console Kate McCann, who was clearly distraught and in tears.

Yvonne offered to help the McCanns in any way she could by offering her expertise and knowledge. She also wanted to speak with Kate alone to get a better idea of the situation because, from her experience, child cases are almost always the result of other family members or family friends being involved. But Kate was advised by her friend David Payne to stop talking to Yvonne and was told it was better she be quite and not say anything. Yvonne found this extremely strange and wondered why the McCanns would not want to speak about possible ways in uncovering the mystery of Madeleine. Also of note is that Yvonne found David Payne very familiar but could not spot where she may have seen him. Nonetheless, her encounter with the McCanns caused her to believe that they may have been involved in Madeleines disappearance. She also suspected David Payne to be involved as well, and wanted the police to investigate whether he may be a pedophile. This comes as quite a revelation given the statements made by Katherina and Savio Gaspar, see #PizzaGate Part 5, which also suggest that David Payne may be a pedophile.

Yvonne’s encounter with the McCanns was reported by the former chief Portuguese police investigator Goncalo Amaral in his book “Maddie: Truth of the Lie”, by Kate McCann in her book titled “Madeleine”, by David Payne during his witness testimony, and by countless other citizen journalists online. But as expected, the only place that the Yvonne testimony was not written about is the mainstream media, including Wikipedia. This is yet another example of the mainstream media appearing to not be about the truth, but rather push pre-existing agendas and narratives they either they, or others more powerful, have.

Stay tuned for #PizzaGate Part 7…

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Download ALL Notes: https://mes.fm/pizzagate 

An Open Secret (2014)

An Open Secret is a 2014 American documentary film directed by Amy J. Berg exposing child sexual abuse in the film industry in California.

The documentary follows the stories of five former child actors who were sexually abused by multiple predators. Much of the film focuses on Marc Collins-Rector, subsequently convicted of child sexual abuse, who co-owned and operated Digital Entertainment Network, with Brock Pierce also owning a minor share. DEN produced brief online videos during the early days of the Internet, and was noted for wild parties featuring underage boys at Collins-Rector's house.

The film makes multiple references to director Bryan Singer, who was allegedly at some of the DEN parties, but does not detail allegations against him. A lawsuit alleging that Singer sexually abused Michael Egan as an underage boy was withdrawn during the production of the film. As a result, the film only details allegations made by persons willing to appear on camera.

Among the people interviewed is Vanity Fair journalist John Connolly, who states that an article on pedophilia in Hollywood was dropped at the last minute by Details magazine.


An Open Secret explores the accusations of sexual abuse experienced by five child actors in Hollywood who speak out about their abuse. Often quoted as “the film Hollywood doesn’t want you to see”, it explores how some of the elite in Hollywood prey on children in the industry using drugs, alcohol, and grooming. Much of the accused Hollywood aristocracy still work for well-known companies such as Nickelodeon.

The film not only highlights the personal experiences of the abused, but drives the message that these incidents are not unique but commonplace in a secretive paedophile ring that has lasted for decades. While some of the accused served jail time, many are still working with children and doing so legally. This documentary inspires hope of not only exposing the sexual abuse, but also strengthening the legal system in an attempt to better protect children in Hollywood.


dinsdag 1 november 2022

De dood van Nicolai Muchgian


Op Twitter verscheen een paar dagen geleden een opmerkelijke tweet:

"CIA and Mossad and pedo elite are running some kind of sex trafficking entrapment blackmail ring out of Puerto Rico and caribbean islands. They are going to frame me with a laptop planted by my ex gf who was a spy. They will torture me to death."

Het account met de handle @delete_shitcoin blijkt van Nicolai Arcadie Muchgian. En zoals we kunnen lezen via een artikel in de commentaren, is hij kort na deze dood gevonden in de zee!

Bedankt voor de tip Lammert Albertus

Hieronder de Engelse vertaling van dat artikel:

"A 29-year-old man is killed by county beach current

The facts happened on Friday morning

Friday, October 28, 2022 - 9:44 p.m.

By Elnuevodia. Com

A 29-year-old died on Friday morning after being dragged by sea currents on the beach behind Ashford Hospital in County, the Police Negotiatory reported.

According to a police report, the facts were reported at 9:15 a.m. when the authorities were alerted that the man, identified as Nicolai Arcadie Muchgian, had been dragged.

Rescue personnel managed to rescue his body that no longer showed vital signs, it was reported.

According to the authorities, the injured was a resident of San Juan.

Agent Rosario, attached to the Green Island Tourism Preference, took over the querella."

Nu heeft hij in het verleden wel meer bijzondere tweets de ether in gestuurd:

Hier nog wat meer info over deze man en zijn dood:

"Etherean Nikolai Muchgian Dead by Drowning

Nicolai Arcadie Muchgian, a 29 year old coder that some describe as a MakerDAO co-founder and a stablecoins innovator, including a fork of DAI called Rai by Reflexer Labs, has been swept away by sea currents on the beach behind Ashford Hospital in Condado, the Police Bureau reported according to local media.

Little else is known about the development. The Condado beach is considered a dangerous beach with strong undercurrents.

Local media reports multiple fatalities have been recorded, and yet lifeguards have still not been assigned to the area.

Muchgian was a resident of San Juan according to authorities. Agent Rosario, assigned to the Isla Verde Tourist Precinct, was in charge of the complaint they said.

Despite a long career in the crypto space, including contributing to BitShares according to Craig Sellars, who describes himself as Tether’s Co-creater, Muchgian was not much known publicly in the crypto space.

This is the first time many would have heard of him, including this paper, with Muchgian publicly claiming a few days before drowning:
“CIA and Mossad and pedo elite are running some kind of sex trafficking entrapment blackmail ring out of Puerto Rico and caribbean islands. They are going to frame me with a laptop planted by my ex gf who was a spy. They will torture me to death.”

His public Tweets are kind of filled with suggestions of blackmail, that ‘they’ will get what they want through debt or blackmail, with it quite unclear at this stage whether this was just the general railing against ‘they’ or whether there was something specific.

This is the second death by drowning of a cryptonian in 15 months with the far better known old time bitcoiner Mircea Popescu drowning in Costa Rica in June last year.

Popescu used to be very public in crypto, but drifted away in or soon after 2016, while Muchgian was still working on new stablecoin related projects just a few days ago according to his own public statements."


Hier nog een Twitter draadje van Dylan LeClair,een andere crypto-meneer. En nog een artikel hier.

Mocht er nog meer info voorbij komen, dan zal ik dat hieronder delen. Wat het vooralsnog betekent dat weet ik ook niet, maar ik merkte wel een vraagteken op in mijn hoofd toen deze informatie voorbij kwam. 

Jeffrey Epstein VH1 Promo Videos

Deze promotionele video's over Jeffrey Epstein van VH1 kwam ik tegen en wilde ik graag vastleggen in het digitale archief. Meer info heb ik nog niet echt gezocht, maar dan zijn de video's alvast te zien.
